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Tips for a Healthy & Happy Holiday Season

The holidays are a fun and exciting time, but they can also be stressful and overwhelming. With increased time commitments, it can be easy to let our healthy habits fall to the wayside. This year, we want to encourage you to stay focused on your physical and mental health during this season with some of our favorite tips and tricks!

Here at Motivate Lake County, these are our favorite ways to stay healthy during the holiday season:

  • Get vaccinated
    The best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones is getting vaccinated. So before you gather, schedule your COVID-19 vaccine or booster, and be sure to get your flu shot, too.
  • Get enough sleep
    It’s easy to get carried away staying out late at holiday gatherings, but getting enough sleep is key to staying both mentally and physically healthy, especially during the fun yet stressful holiday season. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep, and kids and teens should be getting even more.
  • Stay active
    Regular physical activity provides many health benefits, including healthy weight maintenance and better mental health status. Go for a walk with your family, do squats during holiday movie commercial breaks, or find other fun ways to keep your body moving.
  • Connect with your loved ones
    The holidays can be overwhelming, so keep yourself centered by connecting with those you love in whatever way works best for you – small groups, large gatherings, or virtually.
  • Stay home if you’re feeling sick
    Your friends and family will love you even more for keeping them safe by staying home, resting, and recovering if you’re feeling sick. You can always get together virtually or in-person at another time when you’re feeling better!
  • Check in on your mental health
    Don’t let the stress of the season throw your mental health out of whack. It’s okay to say “no” to a gathering or commitment that could be detrimental to your mental health. Protect yourself this holiday season by protecting your mental health.
  • Get outside regularly
    It’s good for you to get outside, even when it’s cold or snowy! Be sure to bundle up properly depending on weather, and then go for a walk, go sledding, build a snowman, or do another fun activity that will get yourself and your loved ones outside.
  • Eat and enjoy in moderation
    It’s easy to over-indulge around the holidays, so remember to eat slowly and listen to your hunger and fullness cues. Enjoy holiday sweets, but remember that you don’t have to try everything or even finish everything you put on your plate. Just eat what satisfies you!
  • Take time for self-care
    Wrap up your holiday season by giving yourself the gift of self-care. Meditate, read a book, practice yoga, go for a run, or do whatever will help you relax and recharge.
  • Celebrate responsibly
    If you’re imbibing at parties or toasting to the new year, remember to pace your drinks, rehydrate with water, have enough to eat, and never get behind the wheel if you’ve had anything to drink.