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What We Do

HElp Public Health Organizations

  • Achieve Public Health 3.0
    • Recognition by community and stakeholders as Chief Strategist
    • Vibrant, structured, cross-sector partnerships
    • Timely, reliable, granular-level and actionable data
    • Expanded funding sources
    • Foundational infrastructure
  • Implement Community Health Improvement Plan
  • Offer a central point for community engagement
  • Promote collaboration and engage more stakeholders
  • Collect community needs data
  • Increase the availability, visibility, and frequency of wellness programming
  • Secure more funding

Create Engaging Content

  • Videos
  • Articles
  • Social Media Posts
  • Presentations
  • Newsletters
  • Posters/Flyers

Develop Innovative platforms

  • Support and facilitate a population health strategy
  • Provide a central point for engagement
  • Promote collaboration between for-profit, nonprofit and governmental agencies
  • Collect real-time data
  • Distribute vital content

Launch Innovative Projects

  • Youth Wellness Program
    • Helping Youth Deal with Life’s Tough Stuff
    • Character Development, Life Skills, Tough Stuff, Workforce Readiness
  • Corporate Wellness Program
    • Creating a healthy, happy workforce
    • Turnkey Employee Wellness Program: Monitor, Track, Educate, Support
  • Social Isolation and Loneliness Program
    • Supporting at-risk community members
    • Exercise Classes, Games, Presentations, Support Groups
  • Daily Mental Health Check-In
    • Real-time need assessments for at-risk community members
    • Daily happiness challenges

Build Collaborative Relationships

  • Strengthen collaboration between for-profit, nonprofit and governmental agencies
    • Health and Wellness Experts, Health Associations, Local County/City Government Agencies, Senior Centers, Libraries, Restaurants and Grocery Stores, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Fitness Facilities, Mental Health Organizations, Transportation Providers, Financial Institutions and Experts, Health and Wellness Organizations, Retirement Facilities, Legal Experts, Support/Service Organizations, Colleges and Universities
  • Leverage the Stanford Collective Impact Model
    • Collective Impact Initiatives are long-term commitments by a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem. Their actions are supported by a shared measurement system, mutually reinforcing activities, and ongoing communication, and are staffed by an independent backbone organization.