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August Health Awareness Posts

August 2024
Health Awareness Social Media Posts

  • August 1 – World Lung Cancer Day
  • August 9 – International Day of Indigenous People
  • August 11 – Son and Daughter Day
  • August 15 – National Relaxation Day
  • August 26 – National Women’s Equality Day
  • National Wellness Month
  • National Immunization Awareness Month
  • Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
  • National Breastfeeding Month
  • Digestive Tract Paralysis Awareness Month 
  • Psoriasis Action Month
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Month
  • Summer Sun Safety Month
  • Preventive Screenings
  • Preventative Care
  • Severe Weather Prep
  • Mental Health Matters 
  • Preventative Health
  • Healthy Eating 
  • Substance Abuse 
Social Posts: Facebook

August 1: World Lung Cancer Day | (Post Image)

Good Morning! Today is World Lung Cancer Day.  Let’s take a deep breath and appreciate the work our lungs do every day. #WorldLungCancerDay #BreatheEasy #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 9: International Day of Indigenous People | (Post Image)

Happy International Day of Indigenous Peoples! Today, we honor and celebrate the rich traditions and contributions of our ancestors, friends, families, and neighbors.

Take time to learn about and celebrate the culture, food, music, and art of the World’s Indigenous People.

#IndigenousPeoplesDay #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 11: Son and Daughter Day | (Post Image)

As a parent, you play a superhero role in your child’s life. Take this Son and Daughter Day to remind them how special and loved they are.

Share a special message to your kids in the comments below.

#SonAndDaughterDay #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 15: National Relaxation Day | (Post Image)

Laughter is the best medicine! Share a joke, funny video, or amusing story.

Let’s spread joy and relaxation today. 😂

#LaughterIsMedicine #RelaxationDay #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 26: National Women’s Equality Day | (Post Image)

August 26th is National Women’s Equality Day. Let’s push for a future where every woman’s potential is recognized, every voice is heard, and every dream is validated. Make a vow – a vow to take action, to speak out, to stand up for equal opportunities and rights for all women.

Share a story and honor a woman who has made a difference in your life.

#WomensEqualityDay #BeTheChange #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Rise and Shine | (Post Image)

Rise and shine! August is National Wellness Month. Let’s focus on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy routines.

Start by doing something for yourself every day that keeps you in touch with your mind and body, and can ultimately lead you to a Happier, Healthier U.

#NationalWellnessMonth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Stretch | (Post Image)

Start your day with a stretch!  Just 10 minutes in the morning can help improve your flexibility, posture, and mood. #NationalWellnessMonth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Breathe | (Post Image)

Breathe in, hold, breathe out.  Did you know that mindful breathing can help reduce stress?

Try this simple breathing exercise next time you need a calm moment.

#NationalWellnessMonth #MindfulBreathing #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Prioritize Your Health | (Post Image)

As summer comes to an end and back-to-school preparations kick in, it’s crucial to prioritize your health with preventative screenings. Before the fall season arrives, make time to schedule important health screenings to safeguard your well-being. Whether it’s routine check-ups or specific screenings based on your age and risk factors, early detection can play a vital role in preventing and managing health conditions.

Stay proactive and make your health a top priority as you transition into the new season.

#PreventativeScreenings #BackToSchoolHealth #PrioritizeYourHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Immunization Awareness Month | (Post Image)

From little babies to great grandparents, vaccines keep us all safe.  Ensure your family is up-to-date with their immunizations for a long, healthy life! #VaccinesWork #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month | (Post Image)

Did you know that August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month?

Schedule an eye check-up today and help ensure they get to enjoy every beautiful detail of life.

#ChildrensEyeHealth #ProtectTheirVision #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Breastfeeding Month | (Post Image)

National Breastfeeding Month is about promoting awareness, understanding, and support. Every mother’s journey is unique and deserves our respect. Let’s support all moms in their journey, honoring their dedication, strength, and love.

Here’s to creating a more inclusive world for breastfeeding moms.

#NormalizeBreastfeeding #BreastfeedingMonth #SuperMoms #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Digestive Tract Paralysis Awareness Month | (Post Image)

Did you know that digestive tract paralysis affects thousands of people, making it difficult for their stomach and intestines to function properly? Let’s raise awareness and support those living with this challenging condition.

🔹 Nausea, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal pain can be symptoms.
🔹 Small, frequent meals and a balanced diet can help manage the symptoms.

Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those living with digestive tract paralysis!

#DigestiveTractParalysis #AwarenessMonth #PublicHealth #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Psoriasis Action Month | (Post Image)

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects millions, causing red, scaly patches on the skin.

Learn the facts:
🔹 Psoriasis is not contagious. It’s an immune system issue that requires medical attention.
🔹 There’s no cure for psoriasis yet, but treatment can help ease the symptoms.
🔹 About 2-3% of the world’s population (That’s over 125 million people) has some form of psoriasis.
🔹 Anyone can get psoriasis, regardless of age. However, psoriasis is most likely to appear first between the ages of 15–25.

#PsoriasisActionMonth #PsoriasisAwareness #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Month | (Post Image)

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a progressive disease that affects the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord and impacts the muscles used for activities such as breathing, eating, crawling, and walking. However, SMA does not affect a person’s ability to think, learn, and build relationships with others.

#SMA #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Summer Sun Safety Month | (Post Image)

August is Summer Sun Safety Month!

As we enjoy the sunny days of summer, let’s remember to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the harmful effects of the sun. Here are some essential tips to stay safe:

🔹 Wear Sunscreen: Use a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher and reapply every 2 hours.
🔹 Seek Shade: Take breaks in the shade, especially during peak sun hours (10 AM – 4 PM).
🔹 Protective Clothing: Wear hats, sunglasses, and lightweight long-sleeved shirts.
🔹 Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body cool and hydrated.

Let’s enjoy the sun safely and keep our skin healthy!

#SummerSunSafetyMonth #SunSafety #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Preventive Screenings | (Post Image)

Stay up-to-date with preventative screenings to catch potential health issues early. Prioritize your health by scheduling regular check-ups.

When was your last health screening?

#PreventiveCare #HealthCheck #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Preventative Care | (Post Image)

Skipping doctor appointments can lead to missed opportunities for early detection and treatment of health issues.

Don’t let fear or anxiety prevent you from seeking care. Your health is too important to ignore.

#PreventiveCare #CareForYourself #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Severe Weather Prep | (Post Image)

Stay safe and be prepared! With severe weather season upon us, it’s important to have a plan in place. Make sure to stock up on essentials like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and batteries. Stay informed about weather updates and have a designated safe space in your home.

Let’s stay proactive and ready for whatever Mother Nature brings our way!

#SevereWeatherPrep #StaySafe #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Mental Health Matters | (Post Image)

Mental health matters! If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

We are here to support you.

#MentalHealthMatters #ReachOut #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Preventative Health | (Post Image)

Regular check-ups and preventative care are vital for preventing health issues and promoting overall wellness.

Schedule your health screenings today!

#PreventiveHealth #WellnessJourney #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Healthy Eating | (Post Image)

Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Start making healthier food choices today!#HealthyEating #Nutrition #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Substance Abuse | (Post Image)

It takes courage to ask for help. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, know that you are not alone.

Reach out for help today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier future.

#YouAreNotAlone #MentalHealthSupport #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Social Posts: Instagram
Social Posts: X (Twitter)

August 1: World Lung Cancer Day 

  • Today is World Lung Cancer Day. Let’s take a deep breath and appreciate the work our lungs do every day. #WorldLungCancerDay #BreatheEasy #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 9: International Day of Indigenous People

  • Happy International Day of Indigenous Peoples! Take time to learn about and celebrate the culture, food, music, and art of the World’s Indigenous People. #IndigenousPeoplesDay #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 11: Son and Daughter Day 

  • You play a superhero role in your child’s life. Take this Son and Daughter Day to remind them how special and loved they are.  #SonAndDaughterDay #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 15: National Relaxation Day 

  • Laughter is the best medicine!  Let’s spread joy and relaxation today.  #LaughterIsMedicine #RelaxationDay #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

August 26: National Women’s Equality Day 

  • Today is National Women’s Equality Day. Make a vow to take action, to speak out, to stand up for equal opportunities and rights for all women.  #WomensEqualityDay #BeTheChange #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Rise and Shine 

  • August is National Wellness Month. Let’s focus on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy routines.  #NationalWellnessMonth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Stretch 

  • Start your day with a stretch! Just 10 minutes can help improve your flexibility, posture, and mood. #NationalWellnessMonth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Breathe 

  • Did you know that mindful breathing can help reduce stress? Take a deep breath in, hold it, and then blow it out. Try this simple breathing exercise next time you need a calm moment. #NationalWellnessMonth #MindfulBreathing #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Wellness Month: Prioritize Your Health 

  • As summer comes to an end and back-to-school preparations kick in, make time to schedule important health screenings to safeguard your well-being. #PreventativeScreenings #BackToSchoolHealth #PrioritizeYourHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

National Immunization Awareness Month 

  • From little babies to great grandparents, vaccines keep us all safe. Ensure your family is up-to-date with their immunizations for a long, healthy life! #VaccinesWork #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month 

  • August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month! Schedule an eye check-up today and help ensure they get to enjoy every beautiful detail of life. #ChildrensEyeHealth #ProtectTheirVision #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Digestive Tract Paralysis Awareness Month 

  • August is Digestive Tract Paralysis Awareness Month! Let’s support those affected by this challenging condition. Nausea, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal pain can be symptoms. Eat small, frequent meals to manage the symptoms, Support research & spread awareness. Together, we can make a difference! #DigestiveTractParalysis ##PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Psoriasis Action Month 

  • Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. It is not contagious. It’s an immune system issue and treatment options are available. #PsoriasisAwareness #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Month 

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a progressive disease that affects the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord and impacts the muscles used for activities such as breathing, eating, crawling, and walking. However, SMA does not affect a person’s ability to think, learn, and build relationships with others. #SMA #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Summer Sun Safety Month 

  • August is Summer Sun Safety Month! Follow these tips to stay safe in the sun: Wear SPF 30+ sunscreen & reapply every 2 hours. Seek shade during peak sun hours (10 AM – 4 PM). Wear hats, sunglasses & protective clothing. Stay hydrated with plenty of water. #SummerSunSafetyMonth #SunSafety #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Preventive Screenings

  • Stay up-to-date with preventative screenings to catch potential health issues early. Prioritize your health by scheduling regular check-ups. #PreventiveCare #HealthCheck #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Preventative Care 

  • Skipping doctor appointments can lead to missed opportunities for early detection and treatment of health issues. Don’t let fear or anxiety prevent you from seeking care. Your health is too important to ignore. #PreventiveCare #CareForYourself #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Severe Weather Prep 

  • Stay safe and be prepared! With severe weather season upon us, it’s important to have a plan in place. Make sure to stock up on essentials like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and batteries. Stay informed about weather updates and have a designated safe space in your home. #SevereWeatherPrep #StaySafe #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Mental Health Matters  

  • Mental health matters! If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. We are here to support you. #MentalHealthMatters #ReachOut #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Preventative Health 

  • Regular check-ups and preventative care are vital for preventing health issues and promoting overall wellness. Schedule your health screenings today! #PreventiveHealth #WellnessJourney #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Healthy Eating

  • Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Start making healthier food choices today! #HealthyEating #Nutrition #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices

Substance Abuse 

  • It takes courage to ask for help. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, know that you are not alone. Reach out for help today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier future. #YouAreNotAlone #MentalHealthSupport #PublicHealth #HealthierHappierU #hChoices
Schedule a Meeting

Every public health department wants to leverage social media to protect and improve the health of their people and communities.  Click here to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can create custom social media posts aligned to the unique objectives in your Community Health Improvement Plan, for a fraction of the cost of doing it in-house.