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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Mental Health

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Mental Health

May 10, 2018

From Cleveland Clinic

Contributor: Psychiatrist Karen Jacobs, DO

Ashamed. Embarrassed. Afraid. All too often, these emotions stop people from sharing their mental health concerns with a doctor.

But living a full, productive life depends on more than just what you think of as “physical” health. Mental health matters just as much. Unfortunately, mental illness still comes with stigma in our society.

Here’s my message to you: Tell your doctor if you are having any signs or symptoms of mental illness. Whether you face common issues such as anxiety or depression or more rare conditions such as schizophrenia, your doctor can help you create a care plan or refer you to a specialist.

Start by being honest. Your doctor’s office is a safe place to share your fears, and there are plenty of reasons to take mental health seriously.

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